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Safety technical problems associated with the storage of liquefied natural gas (LNG).

Andrìj Olìjnik, Mariusz Łaciak

Vol. 30, no. 1 (2013), s. 181-189, [1]

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Liquefied natural gas (LNG) due to its extremely favorable properties is considered to be one of the most convenient sources of energy, both the transport, storage and distribution. However, these same properties, and factors which represent the LNG as convenient, such as: a very low temperature (-162 degrees of Celsius), a very large increase in the volume of the evaporation (about 600 times) and also create a potential threats The greatest potential threats are in areas where LNG is a very large quantities for a long period of time. The facts presented above show that there is potentially the greatest threat to the storage of LNG. Leaks, clouds LNG vapor, explosions, low temperature, and "rollover" are the most dangerous potential hazards that occur during storage of LNG. Each of these risks can be avoided. This is achieved by the use of appropriate materials for tanks and equipment, as well as the proper and adequate execution of engineering design at each stage of technology. Proper selection of vessel design and materials, and the use of appropriate methods of combining them decide on a safe and long life tanks.