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Vol. 38/5 (2018)

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Instruction for authors

Aurelian Gheondea

The spectral theorem for locally normal operators
Opuscula Math. 38 (2018), 597-621   Pełny tekst/Article:   pdf  pdf  (586kB)

Juan Giribet, Matthias Langer, Leslie Leben, Alejandra Maestripieri, Francisco Martínez Pería, Carsten Trunk

Spectrum of J-frame operators
Opuscula Math. 38 (2018), 623-649   Pełny tekst/Article:   pdf  pdf  (653kB)

Piotr Grabowski

Small-gain theorem for a class of abstract parabolic systems
 Opuscula Math. 38 (2018), 651-680   Pełny tekst/Article:   pdf  pdf  (715kB)

Yaroslav I. Granovskyi, Leonid L. Oridoroga

Krein-von Neumann extension of an even order differential operator on a finite interval
Opuscula Math. 38 (2018), 681-698   Pełny tekst/Article:   pdf  pdf  (555kB)

Eduard Ianovich

On one condition of absolutely continuous spectrum for self-adjoint operators and its applications
Opuscula Math. 38 (2018), 699-718   Pełny tekst/Article:   pdf  pdf  (570kB)

Yaroslav Mykytyuk, Nataliia Sushchyk

Inverse scattering problems for half-line Schrödinger operators and Banach algebras
Opuscula Math. 38 (2018), 719-731   Pełny tekst/Article:   pdf  pdf  (535kB)

Grigori Rozenblum, Grigory Tashchiyan

Eigenvalue asymptotics for potential type operators on Lipschitz surfaces of codimension greater than 1
Opuscula Math. 38 (2018), 733-758   Pełny tekst/Article:   pdf  pdf  (690kB)

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