baner - AGH
baner - BG
C   Z   A   S   O   P   I   S   M   A        E   L   E   K   T   R   O   N   I   C   Z   N   E        A   G   H

The stand for laboratory tests of loose materials.

Krzysztof Polański

Vol. 30, no. 3 (2013), s. 405-410, [1]

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The paper describes a laboratory stand for tests of properties of bulk materials. It can be helpful for select proppants and materials for bedding layer. Tests were carried out according to Eurocode-1 norm, which required the construction of laboratory to allow the appointment of the angle of internal friction and external friction of granular materials in accordance with the Jenike procedure. The results obtained during the experiments allowed us to compare properties of various materials and a summary of the results obtained with the values quoted in the literature.