baner - AGH
baner - BG
C   Z   A   S   O   P   I   S   M   A        E   L   E   K   T   R   O   N   I   C   Z   N   E        A   G   H

Laboratory tests for the application of nitrate-based inhibitor against H₂S formation.

Anna Turkiewicz, Sławomir Falkowicz, Piotr Kapusta

Vol. 34, no. 1 (2017), s. 231-240, [1]

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This article discusses two series of the efficiency tests of nitrate-based inhibitor in the contaminated media. Nitrate-based treatments are the new methods of biogenic hydrogen sulfide elimination in the reservoir conditions. The first series concerned the tests of the contaminated medium, i.e. the mixture of formation water and sulfate-reducing bacteria suspension. The second series included the results of tests on natural formation water (without additional microbiological contamination). Moreover, a series of tests was performed in order to evaluate the influence of the tested material on reservoir rock samples represented by sandstone. The results of tests were presented in the form of tables and the formulated conclusions may be in the future useful for the oil and gas industry.