baner - AGH
baner - BG
C   Z   A   S   O   P   I   S   M   A        E   L   E   K   T   R   O   N   I   C   Z   N   E        A   G   H

The use of computer simulations to assess the effectiveness of the revitalization of mature oil fields using the selected reservoir as an example.

Daniel Podsobiński, Jerzy Stopa, Paweł Wojnarowski

Vol. 34, no. 1 (2017), s. 67-79, [1]

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The decrease in new oil field discoveries over the years makes it necessary to return to the abandoned partially depleted oil fields. Due to remaining significant amount of geological resources, mature oil field can be important in the overall balance. The production rate can be increased using various recovery methods. This paper presents a method of revitalizing mature oil fields used in Poland and wide world as well as screening criteria were presented. This article indicate the role of computer simulation as a tool in planning process of revitalization works in case of mature oil fields exploration and management. A recovery methods would be proposed, using computer simulation for the selected reservoir in south – eastern Poland as an example. The effectiveness of the recovery method would be determined through forecast of future production. An preliminary economic analysis would be performed to determine the feasibility of the seletected method taking into account the initial investment costs and different oil prices.