Bartosz Dęsoł, Renata Zapała, Paweł Pałka
Influence of Internal Scrap on Mechanical Properties of
Selected Cobalt Alloys
JCME Vol 1, No. 3 (2017), 59-63 |
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Mateusz Stachowicz, Patrycja Paduchowicz, Kazimierz Granat
Impact of Density Degree and Grade of Inorganic Binder
on Behavior of Molding Sand at High Temperature
JCME Vol 1, No. 3 (2017), 64-69 |
Pełny tekst/Article:
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Rafał Dańko, Łukasz Jamrozowicz
Density Distribution and Resin Migration Investigations
in Samples of Sand Core Made by Blowing Method
JCME Vol 1, No. 3 (2017), 70-73 |
Pełny tekst/Article:
pdf (607kB)