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Vol. 45/3 (2019)

Strona redakcyjna
Strona tytułowa
Instructions for the authors

Sebastian Waszkiewicz, Ronal Barcala Alvarez, Jadwiga Jarzyna

Results of the comprehensive interpretation of well logs in carbonate and siliciclastic rocks – similarities and differences in the case studies of selected formations
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 45/3 (2019), 163-182   Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf  pdf  (5,3MB)

Anna Wojas, Teresa Grabowska

Relative secular variations of the Earth’s magnetic field in the years 1966–2016 along the profile across the main tectonic units of Poland (Zgorzelec-Wiżajny profile)
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 45/3 (2019), 183-194  Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf  pdf  (3,3MB)

Anna Kostka, Magdalena Strzebońska, Maciej Sobczyk, Marta Zakrzewska, Anna Bochenek

The effect of de-icing roads with salt on the environment in Krakow (Poland)
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 45/3 (2019), 195-205  Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf  pdf  (1,0MB)

Mikołaj Oettingen

Modelling of the reactor cycle cost for thorium-fuelled PWR and environmental aspects of a nuclear fuel cycle
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 45/3 (2019), 207-217  Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf  pdf  (739kB)

Jacinta Nkiru Chukwuma-Orji, Edward Agboneni Okosun, Funmilayo Daramola Gana

Palynofacies analysis of Ida-4 well, Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 45/3 (2019), 219-230  Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf  pdf  (6,5MB)

Paweł Rutkiewicz, Ireneusz Malik

Environmental effects of historical charcoal burning associated with water-powered ferrous metallurgy (Mała Panew basin, southern Poland)
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 45/3 (2019), 231-240  Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf  pdf  (3,2MB)

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