Marta Wardas-Lasoń INTRODUCTION |
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 40/2 (2014), 169 | Pełny tekst/Article: pdf (102kB) |
Waldemar Komorowski Layering of façades. A few comments on the colour of Krakow’s façades
in earlier and contemporary times |
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 40/2 (2014), 171-180 | Pełny tekst/Article: pdf (1,1MB) |
Kamila Follprecht Buildings and dwellings of Krakow in the 16th–17th century –
descriptions contained in the city deeds |
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 40/2 (2014), 181-187 | Pełny tekst/Article: pdf (178kB) |
Mariola Marszałek Black “marble” in the Polish architecture –
characteristics and possibility of its provenance determination: the case of the Dębnik limestone |
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 40/2 (2014), 189-205 | Pełny tekst/Article: pdf (663kB) |
Monika Łyczak Rescue archaeological research
on the Dominican Square in Cracow in the light of interdisciplinary studies |
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 40/2 (2014), 207-218 | Pełny tekst/Article: pdf (1,1MB) |
Beata Golińska Amazonian Dark Earths in the context of pre-Columbian settlements |
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 40/2 (2014), 219-232 | Pełny tekst/Article: pdf (496kB) |
Dominika Zabiegaj, Barbara Szala, Elżbieta Greiner-Wronowa Corrosion stratifications on glass jewellery
excavated beneath the market square in Kraków, Poland |
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 40/2 (2014), 233-240 | Pełny tekst/Article: pdf (335kB) |
Joanna Trąbska, Barbara Trybalska True and fake red layers on the objects from archaeological and historical context:
microscopic observations |
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 40/2 (2014), 241-254 | Pełny tekst/Article: pdf (1,5MB) |