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Vol. 45/4 (2019)

Strona redakcyjna
Instructions for the authors
List of the reviewers

Maria Strzelczyk, Aleksandra Steinhoff-Wrześniewska

Effectiveness of domestic rural wastewater treatment in soil-plant system
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 45/4 (2019), 247-255   Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf  pdf  (628kB)

Akinniyi Akinsunmade, Sylwia Tomecka-Suchoń, Paweł Pysz

Complex analysis of GPR signals for the delineation of subsurface subtle features
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 45/4 (2019), 257-267  Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf  pdf  (6,0MB)

Beata Figarska-Warchoł, Marek Rembiś, Grażyna Stańczak

The impact of calcination on changes in the physical and mechanical properties of the diatomites of the Leszczawka Member (the Outer Carpathians, Poland)
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 45/4 (2019), 269-282  Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf  pdf  (5,9MB)

Joanna Barniak, Agnieszka Jureczko

Impact of air pollution on forest stands in the vicinity of Wodzisław Śląski and Rybnik, Poland
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 45/4 (2019), 283-290  Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf  pdf  (937kB)

Tombra Akana, Olubunmi Adeigbe

Channel characteristics and planform dynamics of the lower Niger River, Niger Delta Basin (1985–2015)
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 45/4 (2019), 291-304  Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf  pdf  (1,8MB)

Marek Wendorff, Andrzej Świąder

Lithostratigraphic classification of the Tsodilo Hills Group: a Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic metasedimentary succession in NW Botswana
Geology, Geophysics & Environment 45/4 (2019), 305-318  Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf  pdf  (5,0MB)

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