Vadim M. Adamyan, Igor M. Tkachenko
Solution of the Stieltjes Truncated Matrix Moment Problem
Opuscula Math. 25 (2005), 5-24 |
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Stanisław Białas
A Sufficient Condition for Schur Stability of the Convex Combination of the Polynomials
Opuscula Math. 25 (2005), 25-18 |
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Stanisław Brzychczy
Monotone Iterative Methods for Infinite Systems of Reaction-Diffusion-Convection Equations with Functional Dependence
Opuscula Math. 25 (2005), 29-99 |
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Petru A. Cojuhari, Alexander M. Gomilko
The Abel Summation of the Kontorovich-Lebedev Integral Representation
Opuscula Math. 25 (2005), 101-107 |
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Zdzisław Kamont
Numerical Approximations of Difference Functional Equations and Applications
Opuscula Math. 25 (2005), 109-130 |
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Vyacheslav Pivovarchik
Recovering a Part of Potential by Partial Information on Spectra of Boundary Problems
Opuscula Math. 25 (2005), 131-137 |
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Jerzy Stochel
A Note on Inductive Limit Model of Bargmann Space of Infinite Order
Opuscula Math. 25 (2005), 139-148 |
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Zygmunt Wronicz
On Some Application of Biorthogonal Spline Systems to Integral Equations
Opuscula Math. 25 (2005), 149-160 |
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