Abdulaziz Almaslokh, Chuanxi Qian
Global attractivity of a higher order nonlinear difference equation with unimodal terms
Opuscula Math. 43 (2023), 131-143 |
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Yuji Hamana
Square-root boundaries for Bessel processes and the hitting times of radial Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes
Opuscula Math. 43 (2023), 145-172 |
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Teresa W. Haynes, Jason T. Hedetniemi, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Alice A. McRae, Raghuveer Mohan
Self-coalition graphs
Opuscula Math. 43 (2023), 173-183 |
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Gertruda Ivanova, Elżbieta Wagner-Bojakowska, Władysław Wilczyński
Lower density operators. Φf versus Φd
Opuscula Math. 43 (2023), 185-197 |
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Fernando A. Morales
Asymptotic analysis of the steady advection-diffusion problem in axial domains
Opuscula Math. 43 (2023), 199-220 |
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Manabu Naito
Existence and asymptotic behavior of nonoscillatory solutions of half-linear ordinary differential equations
Opuscula Math. 43 (2023), 221-246 |
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Grigori Rozenblum
Discrete spectrum of zero order pseudodifferential operators
Opuscula Math. 43 (2023), 247-268 |
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