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Vol. 10/3 (2016)

Strona redakcyjna
Style Sheet

Wiesław Babik

The Internet as the Present-Day Agora of Information and Knowledge
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering 10/3 (2016), 17-25 Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf pdf  (250kB)

Monika Balawejder, Przemysław Leń

The Realization of Complex Work of Consolidation and Exchange of Land in the Villages Divided by a Highway

Geomatics and Environmental Engineering 10/3 (2016), 27-37 Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf pdf  (452kB)

Agnieszka Bieda

Possibilities of Using Fractal Geometry to Identify Areas at Risk of Their Shoreline Becoming Outdated
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering 10/3 (2016), 39-47 Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf pdf  (1,0MB)

Krzysztof Butryn

An Analysis of Arrangements of the Local Spatial Management Plans in the Context of Determining Coverage of Transmission Easements – the Example of the City of Krakow
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering 10/3 (2016), 49-60 Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf pdf  (1,1MB)

Katarzyna Gajewska, Elżbieta Jasińska

Analysis of Market Rental Property Selected Fragment in Krakow Premises in Terms of Sector Student
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering 10/3 (2016), 61-73 Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf pdf  (644kB)

Agnieszka Pęska, Piotr Benduch

Land and Buildings Register Data Change as a Result of Construction Process
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering 10/3 (2016), 75-86 Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf pdf  (251kB)

Adriana Szulecka, Marian Mazur

Application of the Statistical Error and Quantitative Performance Measures in the Evaluation Process of Short-Term Air Quality Forecasts for Krakow (Poland)
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering 10/3 (2016), 87-99 Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf pdf  (825kB)

Radosław Wiśniewski, Justyna Brzezicka, Sabina Źróbek

Conditions of the Professionalization of the Surveying Graduate Profile in Poland
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering 10/3 (2016),101-123 Pełny tekst/Article:  pdf pdf  (851kB)

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