Ilwoo Cho
Adelic analysis and functional analysis on the finite Adele ring
Opuscula Math. 38 (2018), 139-185 |
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A. Firouzjai, G. A. Afrouzi, S. Talebi
Existence results for Kirchhoff type systems with singular nonlinearity
Opuscula Math. 38 (2018), 187-199 |
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Mitsuo Kato, Toshiyuki Mano, Jiro Sekiguchi
Flat structure and potential vector fields related with algebraic solutions to Painlevé VI equation
Opuscula Math. 38 (2018), 201-252 |
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Bishnu Prasad Sedai
Trace formulas for perturbations of operators with Hilbert-Schmidt resolvents
Opuscula Math. 38 (2018), 253-260 |
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Sara Stihi, Hacène Boutabia, Selma Meradji
Stochastic differential equations for random matrices processes in the nonlinear framework
Opuscula Math. 38 (2018), 261-283 |
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