Mostafa Blidia, Mustapha Chellali
A note on a Vizing's generalized conjecture
Opuscula Math. 27 (2007), 181-185 |
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Nikolai N. Bogoliubov (Jr.), Denis L. Blackmore, Valeriy Hr. Samoylenko, Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
On kinetic Boltzmann equations and related hydrodynamic flows with dry viscosity
Opuscula Math. 27 (2007), 187-195 |
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Volodymyr Denysenko
Transmission problems for the Helmholtz equation for a rectilinear-circular lune
Opuscula Math. 27 (2007), 197-203 |
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Tomasz Drwięga
The use of integral information in the solution of a two-point boundary value problem
Opuscula Math. 27 (2007), 205-220 |
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Katarzyna Grasela
Polynomials on the space of ?-ultradifferentiable functions
Opuscula Math. 27 (2007), 221-230 |
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Oksana Ye. Hentosh, Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
Integrable three-dimensional coupled nonlinear dynamical systems related with centrally extended operator Lie algebras
Opuscula Math. 27 (2007), 231-244 |
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Stanisław Kasprzyk, Margareta Wiciak
Differential equation of transverse vibrations of a beam with local stroke change of stiffness
Opuscula Math. 27 (2007), 245-252 |
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Józef Kalinowski
On the equivalence of pre-Schröder equations
Opuscula Math. 27 (2007), 253-257 |
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Marian Malec, Lucjan Sapa
A finite difference method for nonlinear parabolic-elliptic systems of second order partial differential equations
Opuscula Math. 27 (2007), 259-289 |
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Marcin Mazur, Jacek Szybowski
Algebraic construction of a coboundary of a given cycle
Opuscula Math. 27 (2007), 291-300 |
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Krzysztof Rudol
Spectra of subnormal pairs
Opuscula Math. 27 (2007), 301-304 |
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Vladimir Ryzhov
A general boundary value problem and its Weyl function
Opuscula Math. 27 (2007), 305-331 |
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