Mostafa Allaoui
Continuous spectrum of Steklov nonhomogeneous elliptic problem
Opuscula Math. 35 (2015), 853-866 |
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C. Baccar, N. B. Hamadi, H. Herch, F. Meherzi
Inversion of the Riemann-Liouville operator and its dual using wavelets
Opuscula Math. 35 (2015), 867-887 |
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Liliana Klimczak
Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a nonhomogeneous Neumann boundary problem
Opuscula Math. 35 (2015), 889-905 |
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Mateusz Nikodem
On vertex stability of complete k-partite graphs
Opuscula Math. 35 (2015), 907-914 |
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Elżbieta Puźniakowska-Gałuch
On the quasilinear Cauchy problem for a hyperbolic functional differential equation
Opuscula Math. 35 (2015), 915-933 |
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Lucjan Sapa
Existence, uniqueness and estimates of classical solutions to some evolutionary system
Opuscula Math. 35 (2015), 935-956 |
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Adrienn Varga, Csaba Vincze
Nontrivial solutions of linear functional equations: methods and examples
Opuscula Math. 35 (2015), 957-972 |
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Marek Wójtowicz, Waldemar Sieg
Affine extensions of functions with a closed graph
Opuscula Math. 35 (2015), 973-978 |
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