Urszula Bednarz, Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, Małgorzata Wołowiec-Musiał
On Fibonacci numbers in edge coloured trees
Opuscula Math. 37 (2017), 479-490 |
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M. Borowiecki, H. P. Patil
Colourings of (k-r,k)-trees
Opuscula Math. 37 (2017), 491-500 |
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Junqing Cai, Evelyne Flandrin, Hao Li, Qiang Sun
Spanning trees with a bounded number of leaves
Opuscula Math. 37 (2017), 501-508 |
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Kevin Chau, Shonda Gosselin
The metric dimension of circulant graphs and their Cartesian products
Opuscula Math. 37 (2017), 509-534 |
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Ewa Drgas-Burchardt, Agata Drzystek
Acyclic sum-list-colouring of grids and other classes of graphs
Opuscula Math. 37 (2017), 535-556 |
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Dalibor Froncek
A note on incomplete regular tournaments with handicap two of order n≡8(mod 16)
Opuscula Math. 37 (2017), 557-566 |
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Izolda Gorgol, Agnieszka Görlich
Anti-Ramsey numbers for disjoint copies of graphs
Opuscula Math. 37 (2017), 567-575 |
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Gyula O. H. Katona
A general 2-part Erdȍs-Ko-Rado theorem
Opuscula Math. 37 (2017), 577-588 |
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Jerzy Konarski, Andrzej Żak
Toward Wojda's conjecture on digraph packing
Opuscula Math. 37 (2017), 589-595 |
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Joanna Polcyn, Andrzej Ruciński
A hierarchy of maximal intersecting triple systems
Opuscula Math. 37 (2017), 597-608 |
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Ingo Schiermeyer
On the chromatic number of (P5,windmill)-free graphs
Opuscula Math. 37 (2017), 609-615 |
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Wojciech Wideł
Fan's condition on induced subgraphs for circumference and pancyclicity
Opuscula Math. 37 (2017), 617-639 |
Pełny tekst/Article:
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