Blanka Baculikova
Oscillatory criteria for second order differential equations with several sublinear neutral terms
Opuscula Math. 39 (2019), 753-763 |
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Michael Cary
Vertices with the second neighborhood property in Eulerian digraphs
Opuscula Math. 39 (2019), 765-772 |
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Ilwoo Cho, Palle E. T. Jorgensen
Deformation of semicircular and circular laws via p-adic number fields and sampling of primes
Opuscula Math. 39 (2019), 773-813 |
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Magda Dettlaff, Magdalena Lemańska, Mateusz Miotk, Jerzy Topp, Radosław Ziemann, Paweł Żyliński
Graphs with equal domination and certified domination numbers
Opuscula Math. 39 (2019), 815-827 |
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Jochen Harant, Stanislav Jendrol'
Lightweight paths in graphs
Opuscula Math. 39 (2019), 829-837 |
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Chuanxi Qian, Justin Smith
On existence and global attractivity of periodic solutions of nonlinear delay differential equations
Opuscula Math. 39 (2019), 839-862 |
Pełny tekst/Article:
pdf (698kB)