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Vol. 42/5 (2022)

Strona redakcyjna
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Instruction for authors

Jozef Dzurina

Properties of even order linear functional differential equations with deviating arguments of mixed type
Opuscula Math. 42 (2022), 659-671   Pełny tekst/Article:   pdf  pdf  (494,6kB)

Yuki Hata, Hideaki Matsunaga

Stability switches in a linear differential equation with two delays
Opuscula Math. 42 (2022), 673-690   Pełny tekst/Article:   pdf  pdf  (514,6kB)

Haiyang He

Nonlinear Choquard equations on hyperbolic space
 Opuscula Math. 42 (2022), 691-708   Pełny tekst/Article:   pdf  pdf  (524,4kB)

Muvasharkhan Jenaliyev, Murat Ramazanov, Madi Yergaliyev

On the numerical solution of one inverse problem for a linearized two-dimensional system of Navier-Stokes equations
Opuscula Math. 42 (2022), 709-725   Pełny tekst/Article:   pdf  pdf  (726kB)

Aleksandra Orpel

Positive stationary solutions of convection-diffusion equations for superlinear sources
Opuscula Math. 42 (2022), 727-749   Pełny tekst/Article:   pdf  pdf  (582,6kB)

Robert Stegliński

Notes on aplications of the dual fountain theorem to local and nonlocal elliptic equations with variable exponent
Opuscula Math. 42 (2022), 751-761   Pełny tekst/Article:   pdf  pdf  (508kB)

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