Mostafa Blidia, Rahma Lounes
Vertices belonging to all or to no minimum locating dominating sets of trees
Opuscula Math. 29 (2009), 5-14 |
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Ludwik Byszewski
Strong maximum principles for implicit parabolic functional-differential problems together with nonlocal inequalities with functionals
Opuscula Math. 29 (2009), 15-25 |
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Jolanta Golenia, Yarema A. Prykarpatsky, Eugeniusz Wachnicki
The Cartan-Monge geometric approach to the generalized characteristics method and its application to the heat equation ut - uxx=0
Opuscula Math. 29 (2009), 27-39 |
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Jolanta Jarnicka
Multivariate kernel density estimation with a parametric support
Opuscula Math. 29 (2009), 41-55 |
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Joanna Kowynia
Best approximation in Chebyshev subspaces of L(l^n_1,l^n_1)
Opuscula Math. 29 (2009), 57-67 |
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Milena Netka
Uniqueness of solutions of a generalized Cauchy problem for a system of first order partial functional differential equations
Opuscula Math. 29 (2009), 69-79 |
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Bożena Piątek
On the continuity of the integrable multifunctions
Opuscula Math. 29 (2009), 81-88 |
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Adam Paweł Wojda
Extremal traceable graphs with non-traceable edges
Opuscula Math. 29 (2009), 89-92 |
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Semyon B. Yakubovich
Beurling's theorems and inversion formulas for certain index transforms
Opuscula Math. 29 (2009), 93-110 |
Pełny tekst/Article:
pdf (228kB)